Marie is a qualified Qigong and Tai Chi teacher.
She was born in Belgium and came to this country to become a professional ballet dancer and musical actor. Movement and music in art has influenced her entire life. In her classes Marie encourages her pupils to move naturally towards radiant health through simple exercises – as well as the sequence of The Form – that encourage balance, stamina and suppleness. She adds the exploration of self-cultivation through meditations, encouraging inner peace and managing challenges of society, all towards the discovery of one’s own true and peaceful self.
She says: “The simplest way I can describe my experience of learning Qigong and Tai Chi is to symbolise it into ‘Golden Gates’: the first Golden Gate that opened to me was discovering this art in 2009 when I organised our villagers to take part in weekly lessons led by Tom, my first teacher; taking place in a beautiful Tudor manor’s gardens near Oxford, this art’s magical purity connected perfectly with nature that is all around us. Passing my exam at the home of our Golden Flower Master in the US to become a fully qualified Qigong and Tai Chi teacher lead me through the second Golden Gate. A third Golden Gate opened when I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago which has taught me so many precious lessons: trusting my health recovery with Qigong and Tai Chi, deeply exploring my role in this Life as well as intensifying the connection with my soul. The fourth Golden Gate showed itself by moving to this beautiful part of the country and enrolling many students in my ‘new’ school in Lyme Regis and Bridport.
Passing through these Golden Gates taught me that when adventure comes, it is an invitation to open the way to what is new, an invitation to going on a journey towards priceless treasures. Indeed, through the wonderful art of Qigong and Tai Chi, and with the support of the Golden Flower School, I learn every day how to find quietness, how to manage my realities, how to enjoy life, how to simply be myself.
“The teacher leads you to the gate, but only you can pass through it”
(an ancient Taoist expression)
Marie is registered with the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain (T.C.U.G.B.)
She holds several classes in the area, including a beginners Qigong and Tai Chi class in Lyme Regis.
Email: mariecarty8@gmail.comPhone: 07929 925 797 Website:
If you wish to have any referrals please contact Mary to discuss:
