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Kettlewell – March 2024

ALCS Support Group with some of the Kettlewell Team

Learn what Kettlewell does, the power of Colour and an explanation  on Colour Analysis. Kettlewell Colours Ltd | Shop Women’s Clothing by Colour

Numbers are limited and places need to be booked.

There will be a demonstration on how colour analysis works and the process to provide a personalised colour palette and season .

All those attending will then have an opportunity to be guided towards choosing their wow colour in a glorious Amalfi Scarf for them to take away.

Numbers are limited and places need to be booked please click here. Kettlewell – Colour – Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support

This Support group is open to new clients wishing to register, clients who wish to discuss referrals or those wishing to attend the speaker sessions.

Event Success Kettlewell Mar 24

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