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Newsletter No.69 May 2024

Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
May  2024

Hello from Donna,

It is very nearly June, we have been welcoming lots of people through the doors of Cross Keys House and the Pop-Up shops are continuing to be popular in the local community. The first walk and talk to Pie & Pint was a success along with the sunrise walk. Do check out the sunset walk at Seaton Wetlands next month.

In June we are starting a Breast Cancer support group which for 2024 will feature on different days and times of the month to see what works best for everyone. This will go alongside our Bowel Cancer and Younger Person Support Groups we continue to hold each month.   We are getting some positive feedback about the smaller support groups, they allow more targeted discussions. The various speakers and topics are as a result of feedback so if there is anything would like discussed please do let us know.

News from Mary.
On Tuesday 21st May, I was honoured to be invited to the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. It was fun despite the rain which was torrential sun hat was really needed !! To have Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support recognised in this way means an enormous amount to myself. I wish I could have taken the whole team with me to celebrate!
In this edition 

  1. ALCS June Events
  2. Thank you
  3. New Professional Partner
  4. Recommended Reading/Website
  5. Beach Hut
  6. Connect with us (shop, donate, hut)
Please click on the social tiles below to be taken to the website for more information or contact us should you be unable to access.

1. June Events

Monday 3rd June – Nutrition workshop with Beth Bond CKH 10am 
Tuesday 4th June – Sunset Walk & Talk Seaton 7pm
Saturday 8th June – Blokes Brunch Colyton 9.30am
Saturday 8th June – Uplyme Village Fete 2pm
Monday 10th June – Fire Cider Vinegar CKH 10am
Tuesday 11th June – Younger Person Support Group with Kettlewell 7pm
Friday 14th June – Charity Coffee Morning 10am-12pm -Uphay Farm, EX13 7JG
Saturday 15th June – Pop-up Shop CKH 9am
Monday 17th June – Breast Cancer Support Group with Yvonne Hodges 10am
Thursday 20th June – 1-2-1 Central Dorset Citizens Advice 9.30am
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June – Axe Vale Show
Monday 24th June – Tripudio Talk with Julia Williams CKH 10am
Monday 24th June – Bowel Cancer Support Group CKH 6pm

Reminder our drop-in is every Monday 10am-4.00pm at Cross Keys House the above talks need to be booked on via the website or register your interest via email. Lyme Regis is once a month the June session is 10th June 2-4pm Old School Rooms. You can register your interest in any workshops on the links below also.

Click here to book online
Click here to see all ALCS events

2. Thank you

Thank you – Our Third Pop-Up Charity Shop

Thank you to those or donated or attended our pop-up charity shop in May.

We raised £525 – this goes to fund counselling for a client.

Our next pop-up Charity Shop is
Saturday 15th June, 9-11 am

Thank you – Lyme Fete

Thank you to those who donated, purchased or entered the Beach Hut prize draw.

We raised £72.35 – this goes directly to support our clients and raises awareness of what we do within the local community.

Thank you to Gary for undertaking a Charity Swim for ALCS at the Axminster Pool – £755.00

Gary’s Story –
30 years ago in 1994, I completed a sponsored swim for BT Swimathon, swimming two hundred lengths in one go, I had never swum more than sixty up until the week before. Somehow, I managed it in 1 hr 46 mins!

I recently found my BT Towel, all entrants got one, which got me thinking “could I swim two hundred lengths again?” And if I could do it, could I raise some money for the Axminster & Lyme Regis Cancer Support (ALCS) charity? who have been brilliant in supporting me and many others through cancer.

Gary’s Charity Swim for ALCS at the Axminster Pool | Localgiving

Thank you to Arthur who undertook a Marathon this month raising £2500.00

Arthurs Story –
I am running the Halstead and Essex marathon for my Auntie who was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I am extremely honoured to be able to do this for my auntie and for the charity Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support and am very much looking forward to the day. The charity does tremendous work for individuals and families who have been affected by cancer and I would be hugely grateful for any donations.

Thank you to Carly for completing the Great West Run – Exeter 26th May – £520.00
Carly Story –
Running is not something I find easy but I am doing it to raise as much money as I can for Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support.

A little while ago now, my dear friend Sharon was diagnosed with Cancer. She has been on a rollercoaster of a journey since being diagnosed yet she always remains positive and is incredibly brave and courageous. She is truly inspirational!!

Words from Sharon; “From the moment I was diagnosed with Cancer ALCS have been there every step of the way. Their support varies from referrals to creative activities and holistic therapies to offering a cup of tea and a listening ear.

No one should go through cancer alone and this charity make sure you don’t have to. They are a small charity with a huge heart xx”

…This is why I’m doing it!!
Click here to donate

Thank you to Maxine Cake Sale for Occo’s Birthday – £278.84
Thank you for raising money for ALCS with a Birthday Cake Fundraiser, having an online page and a collection pot at the event.

Click here to donate

3. New Professional Partner

Jackie Green – Fully qualified, Reiki Master, teacher and practitioner.

Reiki is a gentle, but powerful energy, which can help to balance your mind, body and spirit. It can be given, hands on, or into the etheric body, the lowest layer in the human energy field. It can only be sent for your highest good and wellbeing and can never be used to cause any harm.

I am currently able to offer 60 minutes (Approx.) appointments from the calm space at Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support Centre.

I very much look forward to working with and for you.

To discuss a  referral please contact

4. Recommended Reading

Winnie The Pooh – A.A. Milne

“Today was a Difficult Day,” said Pooh.
There was a pause.
“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Piglet.
“No,” said Pooh after a bit. “No, I don’t think I do.”
“That’s okay,” said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend.
“What are you doing?” asked Pooh.
“Nothing, really,” said Piglet. “Only, I know what Difficult Days are like. I quite often don’t feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either.
“But goodness,” continued Piglet, “Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you’ve got someone there for you. And I’ll always be here for you, Pooh.”
And as Pooh sat there, working through in his head his Difficult Day, while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs…he thought that his best friend had never been more right.”

5. Beach Hut

Do look out for beach hut last minute dates on Facebook and the ALCS WhatsApp group going forward. Please send a text or WhatsApp to 07512 279663 to be added if you are an existing client.

The booking system has been designed to give priority to those going through treatment or recently finished. The confirmation and information is sent within the Eventbrite ticket. You can also manage your booking by cancelling any dates you are no longer able to use.

6. Connect with us (shop, online, donate)

If you are looking for individual cards, or a bespoke gift locally made please do consider our online shop.
Hopefully we have made it easier for you to purchase beautifully illustrated blank cards, recipe books, key rings and CDs – all the money raised goes directly to help our clients.

Just add your items to the basket and go to the checkout which is now using Stripe payments but Paypal is still an option. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

We also have a  little shop ‘The Nook’ at Cross Keys House with a selection of good quality reasonably priced items, where all profit goes directly to support local people affected by cancer. Please bring any donations to Cross Keys House for our Nook or Pop-Up Charity Shop we have another in June.

Ways to support or connect with Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support

If you wish to donate online you can via a one off payment or a monthly donation or you could consider a donation to one of our supporters fundraisers. Just click the link below and follow the instructions.

How to get involved with fundraising via Easyfundraising
Instagram & Facebook

Walk to support ALCS
This event will walk from ALCS headquarters in Axminster to their beach hut in Lyme Regis. The route is approximately 7 miles long and will involve a climb to Trinity Hill, descent through the Pinetum in Uplyme and finish alongside the river Lim to the sea front.  There will be options for people to complete shorter sections of the walk where appropriate. #walktosupportALCS | Localgiving

Swimming the channel for ALCS
4 ordinary ladies, some of whom have delt with major health issues, are taking on the challenge of a lifetime. We will be swimming the channel at the end of July 2024 to raise money for our chosen charities. I have chosen Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support because, when my daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 21 last year, they not only provided support for her, but also for the family. It is devesatating to be told that you, or someone you love has cancer, and the support that I was given was invaluable. The swimming team decided on the name “The Dorset Full Monties” because, like the film, we don’t have much of a clue about what we’re doing, but WE WILL DO IT anyway! With our regular meeting and training we are becoming stronger and more determined all the time. It has proved to be a huge learning curve with all the organisation involved, but we were ready and willing to learn to achieve our dream. Swimming the channel for ALCS | Localgiving or Justgiving.

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Newsletter No 69!
Thank you for signing up and supporting us so far.

If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please ask them to sign up via here or email and we will add them to our mailing list. We are happy to send newsletters by post, if needed.  Past editions can be found on our website

Copyright © 2024 Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support, All rights reserved.
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