Auricular Acupuncture
I would just like to give you some feed back about the acupuncture sessions XXX and myself have been attending, XXX has been in considerable pain for several months and been taking morphine sulphate and for break through pain oramorph x 4 during the day, since the first session his pain changed and decreased and now he doesn’t take oramorph at all , it has been miraculous ! I have been feeling tearful and anxious continuously and I most of the time feel calmer, stronger and more myself, We have found Hillary very kind, professional and knowledgeable and the group is really lovely we feel supported ! Your new premises are just beautiful ! A calm and safe place! XXX and myself can’t express our feelings of gratitude enough! It was a good day when we met you in the summer this year, you really understand what is important to us, support , kindness and empathy thank you Mary and your team, |