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Jo Smith Oliver MCSP – The Metamorphic Technique

I am very happy to be part of this team.  I have been a physiotherapist for many years, specialising initially in Orthopaedic Medicine before training in and running a complementary health centre in London.  My career for the last 40 years has been involved in integrating mainstream medicine into Reflexology, Reiki, Craniosacral therapy and the Metamorphic Technique, which is the process I would like to offer here.

In reflexology, the inner border of the foot, the line of the thumb and the central line from forehead to the base of your skull are accepted as reflexes of the spine. In Metamorphic Technique, these points also exist as a timeline.  A typical session involves gentle massage on the feet, hands and head. This can be carried out in an armchair or sofa, or resting on a bed.

It is now well known that as a baby in the womb we are able to absorb   emotional and physical characteristics of our parents as well as the nutrients that the mother provides. How we develop in the womb and how we are born affect our lives and help us to form how cope with life. Stressful thought patterns that a person may have had for many years could have originated from their foetal development.

This Metamorphic process simply provides the space to release some of these issues without having to discuss them.   Many are often drawn to this technique in times of change and an inability to move forwards.

It is appropriate to receive a session at any stage in life, but it really comes into its own where there is inner anguish related to fear. After a session many find that they feel profoundly peaceful and are able to deal with uncomfortable situations more effectively. It helps you to see life from a different perspective, somehow, almost by magic. A session, which lasts for up to an hour has been likened to the transformation of our normal everyday existence from chrysalis to butterfly, hence the name.

I have been a Metamorphic practitioner for 28 years.

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