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Newsletter No.51 – November 2022

Hello, Donna here, its the run up to Christmas which can be a triggering time for families. Please know that we are here to help and support you during this time, should you need it, with a variety of professional partners and a friendly ear from our volunteers. Know that you are not alone.

A few months ago I shared that I was trying couch to 5k again, sadly I got injured and did nothing for a while. With the clocks changing and the nights drawing in, I have decided to join the gym. I am aiming to go 2/3 times a week around two jobs and a school run! Its important to find time for yourself and your health. Do try and get out for a walk and some daylight if you can.

A reminder our wonderful artist and volunteer Maggie has some lovely blank cards suitable for Christmas via our shop. We also have a great bundle of ALCS Apron, ALCS Cookbook recipes with love and a blank card for £20.00, along with beach hut keyrings and CDs available. should you need some additional gift ideas.

Mary and I are using our annual leave over Christmas so the charity will be closed on Friday 23rd December until Tuesday 3rd January. We look forward to welcoming you all back to drop-in on Monday 9th January with more information to follow regarding 2023 in the next edition.

In this edition 

  • Thank you
  • Stanley Studios
  • Pie & Pint
  • Acupuncture Clinic
  • Active Treatment Drop-in
  • Drop in Sessions 
  • Poem
  • Recommended Website/Blog
  • Online Shop
  • Ways to support and connect with ALCS
  • Beach Hut

Thank you to Millers Farm Christmas Shopping Event.

Thank you to the volunteers, clients & supporters who attended and made purchased from our stall. We raised £100.00 selling cards, recipe books and aprons along with connecting with the community.


Thank you to those who made the first ALCS Art Exhibition a success.

Thank you to the artists & volunteers for a great event over £1600 was raised for ALCS. We hope those who attended it enjoyed it.



Thank you to The National Lottery Community Fund

We are celebrating after being awarded £9,870 in funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK.
We will use this funding specifically to support clients receiving active cancer treatment.  This new National Lottery funding will enable the charity to extend the support provided including 1-1 support, talk / touch therapies, activities, distraction aids and treatment packs – all of which are designed to help clients through the emotional and physical impact of cancer treatment.

Stanley Studios Events

Thank you to Lyme Regis  & Axminster Rotary Clubs for their donations towards Creative Hub activities.


A journalling six week course for clients, working through a beautiful creative handbook with Sharon Thomas click here to view her website

The course will run on the following dates – Thursday 10.00-12.00  12th,19th,26th January 2nd,9th and 16th February.

To register your interest please click here

Re-arranged Workshop “Create a Hand Painted Leather Keyring” with Jools Woodhouse. – Thursday 12th January 2.00 – 4.00pm

In this 2 hour workshop, Jools will give a brief demo of how she creates a colourful beach hut keyring as sold on the ALCS shop.

Using acrylic paints and a small leather square, you will create your own to take home.

Once the design is applied, we will punch a hole and add a stainless steel keychain- your Keyring is ready to go!

If time allows, a spare kit will be available for you to create a custom design!

No experience is necessary and all materials are provided

Click here to register your interest

Acrylic Art Workshops  – With Trudi Ochiltree
Learn how to paint in acrylics and be inspired by a variety of subjects and techniques. Acrylics are a popular medium as they are versatile and forgiving. In each workshop we will paint a particular subject, working from a choice of images. Your tutor Trudi will offer demonstrations and help along the way. There are 6 workshops on offer you can sign up to one or all six.
Week 1 – Snowscapes: Working with a limited palette: 2nd March 2023 10-12noon
Week 2 – The Dorset landscape: Exploring shades of green: 9th March 10-12noon
Week 3 – Acrylic patterns and abstraction, creating a series of mini paintings: 16th March 10-12noon
Week 4 – Seascapes: Creating texture and the colour of the sea: 23rd March  10-12noon
Week 5 – Palette knife painting: A freeing way of painting without a paint brush: 30th March 10-12noon
Week 6 – Animals: Create a painting of an endangered species or your favourite animal. Bring your own image to work from if you prefer:  20th April 10-12noon.

Click here to register your interest.

(other food & drink available)
An opportunity to talk to other men affected by cancer and to ask any questions about the support we offer.

Tuesday 6th December
Location: The Royal Lion Hotel, Lyme Regis.

Acupuncture Clinic

Weekly acupuncture clinic on Mondays 4.00 – 5.30pm at Scott Rowe Room within Axminster Hospital.. This will be a group session and involve auricular acupuncture (around the outer ear). Hilary Sharp will be providing the acupuncture. 

Particular benefits include helping to alleviate hot flushes, anxiety, dry mouth, and fatigue. Further information can be obtained from Hilary.

This support will be offered free of charge to registered clients. We do have have a max of 15 at each session which must be booked in advance. Please bring your own water. (Drinks will not be able to be supplied) Do contact us to be added to a waiting list should the online booking system show full.

5th December
12th December
19th December

Please click here to book

Active Treatment Drop-in Sessions

We hold monthly support group sessions for those about to start treatment, going through treatment or finished within the last 6 months. These will be run by Mary and Isabel to help support those going through cancer and make connections. Each month we plan will have a different theme or speaker and if you have any suggestions please let us know.

Monday 23rd January – Axminster Hospital Scott Rowe 12.30-1.30pm 

If you would like to join us for a cuppa and a chat do please drop by.

Drop-in sessions for DECEMBER

Monday 5th December – Lyme Regis Football Club 2-4pm – Wreath Workshop

Monday 12th December – Axminster Hospital Scott Rowe 2-4pm – Mini Treatments with Hannah Lovegrove

Monday 19th December –  Lyme Regis Football Club 2-4pm

Thank you to the ALCS team from Tim

Cancer comes it takes its conkers
It drives so many people bonkers
Often left without a clue
The process they will be put through

People need help to understand
Their treatment and just how its planned
Hospitals don’t take time to explain
Things that help to ease the pain

Left alone without a clue
They wonder will they make it through
These people all need help to cope
They’re left standing on a floor of soap

Will I stand or will I fall?
That’s the question asked by all
What they need is more support
From groups that do what they purport

Having people prepared to talk
Will help the patients walk the walk
Pastimes in which they can partake
Helps to keep their minds awake

Extracting fear form their head
Reducing tears, they often shed
Support groups are few and far between
But volunteers are always keen

Help is what they aim to give
To help these sad people live
My local group is well on board
Through them my confidence restored

And so, I say a big THANK YOU
To Mary and her lovely crew.

Recommended website – Stand up to Cancer

Would you share your story? SU2C are filming a new set of films for 2023. They will work with you to tell your story the way you want it told, with sensitivity and respect.

If you are interested in finding out more please email 

Closing date is Friday 16th December 23.59. You must be a UK resident. Expression if interest does not guarantee participation.


Our Online Shop & Event Bookings

If you are looking for individual cards, or a bespoke gift locally made please do consider our online shop. 

It is not to soon to order your Christmas cards!
New Winter Card available.

Hopefully we have made it easier for you to purchase beautifully illustrated blank cards, recipe books, key rings and CDs – all the money raised goes directly to help our clients. 

Just add your items to the basket and go to the checkout which is now using Stripe payments but Paypal is still an option. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Cards can be purchased at drop-in and local events or collection arranged.

Ways to support or connect with Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support

If you wish to donate online you can via a one off payment or a monthly donation. Just click the link below and follow the instructions or scan the QR code.

How to get involved with fundraising via Easyfundraising, Amazon Smile etc

Instagram & Facebook

Beach Hut – New Booking System

The beach hut bookings are changing. Please register for a free account at Eventbrite this will then give you information regarding which dates you have booked and the ability to cancel bookings.

More information about the beach hut can be found via

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