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Newsletter No.77 February 2025

Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
February 2025

Hello, Donna here, January seemed a long month but we are now in February and lots of new courses and classes are starting to happen at Cross Keys House. Our first Advance Cancer Support Group is on Thursday 13th February open to those with advanced or secondary diagnoses to get together and chat. We also delighted to be holding a new Lyme Regis Coffee Morning at the New Waffle House. Do see the social tile below for more information.

A reminder that we have Men’s Yoga for clients and carers 3 times a month with Lez on a Wednesday evening 6-7pm. Please do email if you would like a referral.

In this edition 

  1. ALCS February & March Events
  2. Thank you
  3. Professional Partner
  4. Volunteer Award
  5. Recommended Reading/Podcast
  6. Beach Hut
  7. Connect with us (shop, donate, hut)
  8. Library and Puzzles
  9. London Marathon Fundraiser
Please click on the social tiles below to be taken to the website for more information or contact us should you be unable to access.

1. February Events

February & Early March 2025

Acupuncture with Ann every Friday  1.30-2.30pm
Acupuncture with Hilary every Monday 4.15-5.15pm (Except Bank Hols)
Wednesday 5th February – Nutritional Talk with Beth Bond & Ali Hampton 10-12pm – CKH
Wednesday 5th February – Younger Person Support Group 7-8.30pm – CKH
Friday 7th February – Guided Mindfulness Meditation 12-1pm – CKH
Wednesday 12th February – Moving Forward Talk 10-12pm – CKH
Wednesday 12th February – Coffee Morning 10am to 12pm – Lyme Regis -Location TBC
Wednesday 12th February – Men Yoga with Lez 6-7pm – CKH
Thursday 13th February – Advanced Cancer Support Group 11am – 12.30pm
Wednesday 19th February – Breast Cancer Support Group 10-12pm – CKH
Wednesday 19th February – Creative Writing Workshop with Emma Vernon 1/3 12.30pm -1.30pm
Wednesday 19th February – Men Yoga with Lez 6-7pm – CKH
Thursday 20th February – Legal Clinic with Scott Rowe 10.00-4.00pm – CKH
Monday 24th February – Bowel Cancer Support Group 6.00-7.30pm – CKH
Wednesday 26th February – Toolkit Talk 10.00-12.00pm – CKH 
Wednesday 26th February – Men Yoga with Lez 6-7pm – CKH

Thursday 27h February – Creative Writing Workshop with Emma Vernon

Wednesday 5th March – Sleep Workshop with Ellie Sturrock 10.00-12.00pm – CKH
Thursday 6th March – Grave Talks with Nicky Davies 2.00-4.00pm – CKH

Thursday 6th March – Creative Writing Workshop with Emma Vernon

Click here to book online
Click here to see all ALCS events

Our drop-in’s are every Monday 10am-4.00pm at Cross Keys House, you will find a warm welcome ad the opportunity to connect with others affected by cancer. Please note you do not need to book to attend drop-in.

Some of the above talks need to be booked on via the website or register your interest via email.  You can register your interest in any workshops on the links above.

Saturday 1st March – Pop-up Shop 9-11am – CKH

2. Thank you

Thank you to Axe Valley Academy 

Thank you to Axe Valley Academy students for your kind donation raised before Christmas. We were delighted to be chosen by the students and value their support.

Thank you Axminster Chamber Choir

Thank you to Axminster Chamber Choir for their kind donation of £900. What a wonderful fundraising event!

Thank you to Jill Farrow and friends for her Chill Swim on 6 January which raised an amazing £1,560
Thank you to James and Tommy at The George, Axminster for raising £400 for us through their Christmas Raffle

3. Professional Partners

Marie is a qualified Qigong and Tai Chi teacher.

She was born in Belgium and came to this country to become a professional ballet dancer and musical actor.  Movement and music in art has influenced her entire life.  In her classes Marie encourages her pupils to move naturally towards radiant health through simple exercises – as well as the sequence of The Form – that encourage balance, stamina and suppleness.  She adds the exploration of self-cultivation through meditations, encouraging inner peace and managing challenges of society, all towards the discovery of one’s own true and peaceful self.

She says: “The simplest way I can describe my experience of learning Qigong and Tai Chi is to symbolise it into ‘Golden Gates’: the first Golden Gate that opened to me was discovering this art in 2009 when I organised our villagers to take part in weekly lessons led by Tom, my first teacher; taking place in a beautiful Tudor manor’s gardens near Oxford, this art’s magical purity connected perfectly with nature that is all around us.  Passing my exam at the home of our Golden Flower Master in the US to become a fully qualified Qigong and Tai Chi teacher lead me through the second Golden Gate.  A third Golden Gate opened when I was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago which has taught me so many precious lessons: trusting my health recovery with Qigong and Tai Chi, deeply exploring my role in this Life as well as intensifying the connection with my soul.  The fourth Golden Gate showed itself by moving to this beautiful part of the country and enrolling many students in my ‘new’ school in Lyme Regis and Bridport.

Passing through these Golden Gates taught me that when adventure comes, it is an invitation to open the way to what is new, an invitation to going on a journey towards priceless treasures.  Indeed, through the wonderful art of Qigong and Tai Chi, and with the support of the Golden Flower School, I learn every day how to find quietness, how to manage my realities, how to enjoy life, how to simply be myself.

“The teacher leads you to the gate, but only you can pass through it”

(an ancient Taoist expression)

Marie is registered with the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain (T.C.U.G.B.)

She holds several classes in the area, including a beginners Qigong and Tai Chi class in Lyme Regis.

Email:      mariecarty8@gmail.comPhone:     07929 925 797  Website:

If you wish to have any referrals please contact Mary to discuss:

I’m Emma, I’m a third year Creative Writing student studying at Arts University Bournemouth. As part of my course work for my final project I’m inviting you to attend three writing workshops with my unique perspective on the craft. With personal ties into the charity I’m looking forward to imparting some of my love for writing with the clients at ALCS. I believe writing is a great opportunity to express thoughts, feelings and emotions without feeling pressure from the outside world. There has been research that shows creative writing can have a positive impact on mental health as well as self-esteem. I think this would be a lovely opportunity for people to explore this type of writing. My goal is to get you writing about the things you love the most and bring those feelings of joy to the surface.

Please click here to register your interest. 

4. Volunteer Awards 2024

Congratulations to the two Jan’s who won our Room for Award 2024 prize.

Jan Brand works so hard behind the scenes and is a joy to work with she helps raise much needed funds and the Nook at Cross Keys House looks great!

Jan Chalon radiates warmth, she has a lovely smile and is always ready to listen. She supports ALCS in so many ways Chill, Drop In, the pop up shop and AMAZING CAKES!

Well Done both of you and thank you for all your support. These prizes are well deserved.

5. Recommended Reading

Mary Oliver – A Thousand Mornings  

An escape into some beautiful poems

I go down to the shore in the morning
and depending on the hour the waves
are rolling in or moving out,
and I say, oh, I am miserable,
what shall-
what should I do? And the sea says
in its lovely voice:
Excuse me, I have work to do.

6. Beach Hut

Beach Hut dates are advertised on the ALCS WhatsApp group.  Please send a text or WhatsApp to 07512 279663 to be added if you are an existing client.

The booking system has been designed to give priority to those going through treatment or recently finished. The confirmation and information is sent within the Eventbrite ticket. You can also manage your booking by cancelling any dates you are no longer able to use. The order information is on your original booking from Eventbrite. Please not that the code has changed on 1st February.

7. Connect with us (shop, online, donate)

If you are looking for individual cards, or a bespoke gift locally made please do consider our online shop.
Hopefully we have made it easier for you to purchase beautifully illustrated blank cards, recipe books, key rings and CDs – all the money raised goes directly to help our clients.Just add your items to the basket and go to the checkout which is now using Stripe payments but Paypal is still an option. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.We also have a  little shop ‘The Nook’ at Cross Keys House with a selection of good quality reasonably priced items, where all profit goes directly to support local people affected by cancer. Please bring any donations to Cross Keys House for our Nook or Pop-Up Charity Shop we have one a month.Did you know we also have a Vinted Shop  Click here to go straight to our store
Neal’s Yard

Neal’s Yard have some fabulous gift ideas and remedies on sale – you can now order via Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support.

8. Library and Puzzles

We are delighted the puzzles at Cross Keys House are being well used. If you have any books/puzzles you have finished with please do return to us, for others to enjoy.

9. London Marathon Fundraiser

We’re so excited to have a place at the London Marathon this year and that Claire is running for us!

Claire’s training is well underway – take a look at what she’s been up to!Please take a moment to check out her fundraising page and sponsor if you can!


Newsletter No 77!
Thank you for signing up and supporting us so far.If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please ask them to sign up via here or email and we will add them to our mailing list. We are happy to send newsletters by post, if needed.  Past editions can be found on our website
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