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Resources and links

Listed below are links which may be useful to cancer patients:

We also have a Therapy Companion Book available on request.

Help at Home

Please see some websites below that support the local community.

Visit Help and Kindness Dorset Shopping
Visit Dorset Community Response
Visit Helping Hands Home Care
Visit Age UK

After Cancer

After Cancer is a website written by cancer survivor Verite Reily Collins. She shares her experiences and detailed, well-researched information on how cancer affects you during and after treatment and what to do about it.


Axminster Care Service

The Axminster Care Service was set up to give help to local organisations and those in need. The aim of the ACS is to cover gaps left by Health and Social Services and provides additional community support such as:
A car service, Tuesday lunch club for elderly housebound, a visiting service for those who live alone and management of the Senior Citizen’s Centre in Church Street. Please see their website for more information.

Visit Axminster Care Service

The Brain Tumour Charity

The Brain Tumour Charity is at the forefront of the fight to defeat brain tumours, making a difference every day to the lives of people with a brain tumour and their families.

They are committed to having the biggest possible impact for everyone affected by a brain tumour, to defending the most amazing part of the human body, so that the diagnosis of a brain tumour is no longer a death sentence.

The Brain Tumour Charoty fights brain tumours on all fronts through research, awareness and support to save lives and improve quality of life.

Visit The Brain Tumour Charity

Axminster Hospital

Local community hospital offering a variety of services, providing the Scott Rowe Meeting Room for our drop-in sessions.

01297 630 400

BNF – British National Formulary/NICE

NICE balances the best care with value for money across the NHS and social care, to deliver for both individuals and society as a whole.

We do this by:

  • providing rigorous, independent assessment of complex evidence to produce guidance and advice for health and social care practitioners
  • developing recommendations that drive innovation into the hands of health and care professionals
  • encouraging the uptake of best practice to improve outcomes for everyone.

Boost’s breast form design revolution started by listening to the experiences of women who had treatment for breast cancer.


Visit BNF/Nice

Boost Breast Prosthetic

Boost’s breast form design revolution started by listening to the experiences of women who had treatment for breast cancer.


Visit Boost

The Breast Radiotherapy Injury Rehabilitation Service (BRIRS)

BRIRS is a nationwide service for breast cancer survivors living with Brachial Plexus Injury after radiotherapy treatment. This type of injury is rare but BRIS offers free NHS treatment to any patient registered with a GP in England.


Call 01225 473 481


Cruse Bereavement Support

We offer support through our website, national helpline, live chat, group, zoom, telephone or one-to-one in person support. We want to make sure everyone grieving gets the help they need in a way that works for them.  We have a specially trained dedicated team of 4,000 bereavement volunteers.

Visit Cruse

Breast Cancer Support – West Dorset

Information and advice about care and support for adults in Bournemouth and Poole.They  have five branches across Dorset and are a very friendly, welcoming group providing support and information. Guest speakers give talks on feel good and associated topics. We provide telephone support in co-operation with health care professionals. Breast care nurses are closely involved with this group.

Visit West Dorset Breast Cancer Support

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Support to children and young people who are coping with significant mental health difficulties, and their families and carers.



CANCERactive is a complementary and integrative cancer charity. Chris Woollams’ latest newsletter covers research on healing your gut, a peptide that attacks cancer cells, preparing yourself for surgery and much else.

Visit CANCERactive

Cancer Hair Care

Cancer Hair Care is a charity that aims at helping cancer patients to look good through their illness and into recovery. They try to take the mystery out of hair loss, new hair growth, scalp care, wigs and headscarves. Please visit their website for information, ideas for new looks, support and practical advice.


Chris Aked Foundation

Taking Time, Making Memories, We provide support to the children of families dealing with cancer and other life affecting illnesses, offering help through physical and sporting activities, counselling and memory-making days. 

Visit Chris Aked Foundation

Cancer Matters Wessex

Find information, services and support for people affected by cancer in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Cancer Matters Wessex is here for you if you are affected by cancer, whether as a patient, carer, family member or friend.

Here you will find information about the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, as well as links to local services and support to help you live with and beyond cancer.


Visit Cancer Matters Wessex

Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)

Specialist assessment, support and interventions for people with complex and serious mental illness.

Visit Dorset CMHT

Chaplaincy at Dorset County Hospital

Provides a 24 hour service. Person-centred care, a listening ear, confidential support and advocacy for anyone who needs it (of any faith or none), including outpatients.

Email Rev Ron Martin

Dandelion Weatherstone Ltd


Visit Dandelion Weatherstone

Directory of Services

This directory of services is provided by Dorset Macmillan Health Information & Support Project and will be updated every 6 months.

Download the PDF

The Dorset Cancer Care Foundation

The Dorset Cancer Care Foundation supports Dorset based cancer patients and their families as individuals as well as providing grants and financial support to other Dorset based cancer related organisations.

Visit Dorset Cancer Care Foundation

Dorset Health Care Steps to Wellbeing & Employment Advise Service

Therapies, support and courses for people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression-based problems.

Axminster handout (1)

Visit Steps2wellbeing

Ducks and Drakes Cancer Trust

Ducks and Drakes Cancer Trust was founded to help save lives and promote well-being by raising awareness of cancer and specifically Bowel Cancer in young people, aged 18 to 30 in Dorset and UK and to support Bowel Cancer patients and their families through the provision of specialist medical equipment and financial aid.  The Trust was founded in 2012 by Andrew Drake and his family following the bowel cancer diagnosis of Andrew, aged 24

Visit Ducks and Drakes Cancer Trust

East Devon Health

East Devon Health is a federation of 13 GP practices in East Devon.  The federation will focus on the needs of the population of East Devon and work together to effectively provide high quality care.

The purpose of the federation is to

  • Develop joint working and combined effort to improve patient care and improve efficiency of general practice.
  • Explore opportunities to provide health and social care services at scale to ensure sustainability of general practice.
  • Explore opportunities to increase the portfolio of services provided within a primary care/community setting, as required by commissioners.
  • Explore opportunities to access other sources of funding for service provision.
Visit East Devon Health

Elizabeth Finn Care

A national charity offering direct financial support to individuals in need. Turn2us helps many individuals to gain access to the money available to them in welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help.


The Family Counselling Trust

Low-cost counselling services for children and young people age 4-18 and their families, taking referrals from GPs, school and other professionals working with children, as well as from parents, carers and familes.

Visit The Family Counselling Trust

From Me to You

No one can deny that there is something special about receiving a letter, and even more so when you’re in the throes of cancer.

For those of us wanting to support a friend or family member whilst they are undergoing cancer treatment, a letter can be a smile on a lonely day, an unintrusive way to join them on their treatment days, or a distraction for when concentration eludes them.

Take a look at the articles below to gain some hints and tips on how to get started on writing your letter, and for some inspiration on how it could make your loved ones living with cancer feel when you do write.

Visit From me to you

The Force Cancer Centre, Exeter

FORCE (Friends of the Oncology and Radiotherapy Centre, Exeter) became a charity in 1987 and has grown steadily ever since. In 2004 we opened a purpose-built Cancer Support and Information Centre, thanks to more than £900,000 raised by local people and the tireless work of the FORCE team. A £350,000 extension to the Centre was opened in 2012, allowing us to support even more people affected by cancer.

FORCE has never lost sight of its origins and core belief that people deserve the best possible support and treatment, face to face and close to home. In 2014 we began providing services in Tiverton and Okehampton and in 2018 extended that outreach programme to include Honiton. We also fund the delivery of chemotherapy in all three towns.

We are committed to improving patient care by funding research and innovation too.



Get Going Travel Insurance

When you have a medical condition, finding suitable travel insurance can feel like a daunting task, but at Get Going, providing medical travel insurance  is our speciality. We ask medical questions suited to you, to work towards our aim of being able to provide cover for as many of the UK’s travellers as possible.

We offer our customers quality travel insurance from the click of a button, with the option to choose from a number of cover levels and policies.



Fortuneswell Cancer Trust

Supports the Fortuneswell Unit (haematology and chemotherapy) at Dorset County Hospital, Dorchester, and the Fortuneswell Cancer Ward there.


The Fountain Centre Living with Cancer

The Fountain Centre was established in 1998 by three social/healthcare professionals Gail Maguire, Charlotte McDowell and Nicky Bracey, together with Monica Rowland, a supporter of the holistic approach. In 2001 we became a registered charity. In the first year of opening the centre had 150 visits per month and employed one full-time member of staff, with two working part-time and 25 volunteers.


Visit Fountain Centre

The Fruitfly Collective

Building new ways to support children, adults and families affected by cancer.

Fruitfly Collective has a small core team of scientists, clinicians, artists and designers who collaborate with a range of experts.

Our collaborators include nurses, scientific researchers, visual artists, medics, photographers, clinical psychologists, palliative care social workers, children and young people, and people who have been affected by cancer.


Visit Fruitfly Collective

GO Girls Support Group

GO Girls launched in March 2015. Supported by their patron Helen Lederer. Their aims are to help support women with gynaecological cancers, raise awareness of these diseases and campaign for earlier diagnostics and improved treatments.
GO Girls want to ensure all women with gynaecological cancers receive the support they truly deserve on what is often a lonely and difficult journey with survival rates still very low, particularly for those with ovarian cancers.
GO Girls want to ensure all women with gynaecological cancers receive the support they truly deserve on what is often a lonely and difficult journey with survival rates still very low, particularly for those with ovarian cancers.
Visit Go Girls

Harmony Drop In Centre – Bridport

Burrough Harmony Drop in Centre in Bridport provides recovery support for adults living with mental health difficulties.


Visit Harmony

Home-Start West Dorset

A local charity that provides friendship, advice and practical support, at home, to families in West Dorset.

Visit Home-Start Dorset

The Hospice Biographers

We are a nationwide charity that trains and mentors specialist volunteers to record the biographies and life stories of anyone facing the end of their lives.


Insure with

We specialise in medical travel cover. By working with charities, clinical specialists, and you – our customers – we’re always improving our understanding to create products and services to meet your needs. It’s all part of our efforts to address any of the issues people have when looking for specialist travel insurance.

Visit Insure With

Let’s Talk About Loss,

Let’s Talk About Loss, a safe space to talk through taboos and address the reality of losing someone close to you when you are young.

We run peer-led meet up groups in cities across the UK for young people aged 18 to 35 who have been bereaved at any stage. We believe that by meeting other young people who have experienced loss, we can share our stories and our struggles without fear, judgement or awkward silences


Liberty Custom Breast Prosthesis

The Liberty range of breast prostheses are the newest innovation by Technovent Ltd.
Liberty offers distinct advantages over the current prostheses on the market.


The Good Grief Trust

The Good Grief Trust exists to help all those affected by grief in the UK. Our vision is to help those bereaved from day one, acknowledge their grief and provide reassurance, a virtual hand of friendship and ongoing support.

We bring bereavement services together, to ensure that everyone receives the tailored support they need to move forward with their lives.


Visit Good Grief


If you live in Exeter, Mid or East Devon, Hospiscare is your local adult hospice charity. Should you or a loved one need care for any type of terminal illness, their professional team of doctors and nurses are there to help.

Visit Hospicecare

The Hansom Group (Head And Neck Somerset)

A small group of post-treatment Head & Neck cancer patients. We are a new group – we had 2 face to face meetings 12 & 15 months ago – and now meet up online every couple of months. Essentially we are a patient support group run and managed by patients, but we could not  do without the Head & Neck CNS for Somerset, Jo Greedy.

If any members of your group are interested in joining us, we would be happy to hear from them via our email:


Hello Beautiful Foundation

The Hello Beautiful Foundation is a UK based Cancer prevention charity that resides within London’s Bloomsbury.

Hello beautiful explores the issues that arise when we or our loved ones are faced with cancer and the importance that NonToxic Practice has in this reality.

Our exhibits, talks, classes and other awareness campaigns are designed to highlight the benefits of living a healthy NonToxic Lifestyle —an experience that starts with mindfulness and extends into nutrition and social responsibility.


Visit Hello Beautiful


The infopool has been created by Prostate Cancer Research, a registered charity in England and Wales (1156027). It has been co-designed with patients and clinicians. Thank you to every one of them for their support.

The information on the infopool is based on the latest evidence and is reviewed every year. It is written in plain English.

The information on the infopool has been gathered from a number of sources. All of our information is in line with accepted national or international clinical guidelines, where possible. Where guidelines do not exist we rely on a consensus from expert members of our Clinical Advisory Board.



Visit Infopool

LGBTQ+ and Cancer Care

There are approximately 2.3 million people in the UK who identify as part of the lesbian, gay, bisexualtransgender, queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) community – a community that continues to experience inequalities throughout the cancer pathway, from screening, to treatment and end-of-life care.

Visit LGBTQ+ Community

Lewis-Manning Hospice, Poole

Supports patients from diagnosis through to end of life, however short or long that time may be.


The Living Tree, Bridport

The Living Tree offers friendship, creative activities & holistic therapies, relevant diet & lifestyle information for anyone with any cancer. We offer mutual support, helping people cope with the fear, anxiety, isolation or stress that cancer can bring by offering a chance to unwind and share laughter and coping strategies.

Visit The Living Tree

Lyme Regis Carers’ Café

Our community café is designed for adult carers to have a safe, non-judgemental place to meet new people, put themselves first and take a step back from the pressures of everyday life.
Visit Lyme Regis Carers’ Café

Le Boudoir Lingerie – Boost Bra Fitter

Book a professional bra fitting in Exeter, Devon by Samantha.
 Fitting Lingerie since 2008, she will soon have you feeling great in a fantastic new bra. 
*Fittings are free with bra purchases.*

Boost breast forms were specifically designed to avoid the pitfalls of many heavy, suffocating prostheses. Our breast form designs are intended to be gentle on the skin and allow for a natural freedom, so that hot air isn’t trapped around the breast form, making it sweaty and unbearable. Boost’s light and airy design means you can feel comfortable with your breast form, without constantly worrying if it’s going to become difficult to wear in certain kinds of weather.

Visit Le Boudoir Lingerie

Look Good Feel Better

LGFB is a charity which holds free skin care and make-up workshops to help combat the visible side effects of cancer treatment and, in turn, boost confidence and wellbeing. They hold workshops at Dorset Cancer Centre at Poole Hospital, The Force, Exeter and regular shorter masterclasses at The Living Tree in Bridport.


Make 2nds Count – Tea & A Chat Devon

We’re delighted to be joining forces with passionate local patients, Emma Mckay & Elise Belsher, to establish a regular monthly, in person, TEA & A CHAT meet up group for secondary breast cancer patients in Devon.

Our support groups give patients the chance to share experiences and advice, and forge new friendships.

Our meetings will take place on the first Friday of each month 10am – 12 noon.

Greendale Farm Shop, Sidmouth Rd, Farringdon, Exeter EX5 2JU

Visit Make 2nds Count

The Lymphoedema Support Network

A patient-led charity providing information and support for people affected by lymphoedema. They provide telephone information, quarterly newsletters, fact sheets and other lymphoedema-related information.


Macmillan Cancer Support

Provides excellent practical, medical and financial support and push for better cancer care. Comprehensive website.


Marie Curie

If you’re living with a terminal illness or caring for someone, Marie Curie Nurses, hospices and support services are here for you.



The Menopause Charity

The Menopause Charity works to improve women’s and healthcare professionals’ understanding of the menopause.

Please click the link for –  A young Woman’s Guide


Visit The Menopause Charity

Menopause and Cancer

With cancer treatment often triggering menopause, 40% of women under 40 and 70%-90% of women over 40 enter permanent menopause as a result of their treatment.

Many women say that navigating menopause after cancer feels harder than chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery altogether.

Visit The Menopause and Cancer

Mission Remission

The Mission Remission hub was built for cancer survivors – we share hundreds of inspirational stories and practical strategies to move forward after cancer.

Visit Mission Remission

Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres

Maggie’s offers the best possible support free to anyone with cancer and their families who walk through our doors. You’ll find our centres alongside NHS hospitals and we can also support you online.

Visit Maggie’s

Matt’s Respite Retreat

Matt’s Respite Retreats are a registered charity (C/No: 1176431) set up to offer respite breaks for those affected by cancer at our Caravan sited at Weymouth Bay Holiday Park. A chance to create lasting memories with loved ones.

Visit Matts Respite Treats

The Minded Institute

A blog on How Can Yoga Therapy Support Cancer Care?

Yoga and Cancer

It’s important for us to be clear that there is no evidence that yoga, or any related holistic practice, can cure or prevent cancer. However, there is a growing body of evidence that yoga and yoga therapy can support patients in managing the symptoms of their illness, combatting side-effects of their treatments, and supporting their physical and emotional wellbeing as their illness progresses or as they recover in remission.


Visit The Minded Institute

Mummy’s Star

Mummy’s Star is the only charity in the UK and Ireland dedicated to women and birthing people diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy or within 12 months of giving birth, and their families.

Their mission is to provide cancer support to every family facing this traumatic situation.

Visit Mummy’s Star

Mesothelioma UK

Mesothelioma UK is a national specialist resource centre, specifically for the asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma. The charity is dedicated to providing specialist mesothelioma information, support and education, and to improving care and treatment for all UK mesothelioma patients and their carers.

The charity integrates into NHS front line services to ensure specialist mesothelioma nursing is available at the point of need. This is achieved through a growing network of specialist mesothelioma nurses, regionally based in NHS hospitals but funded by Mesothelioma UK.

Visit Mesothelioma UK

Dr. Nasha Winters

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO has been on a personal journey with cancer for the last 27 years. Her quest to save her own life has transformed into a mission to support others on a similar journey. Dr. Nasha travels the world to explore integrative cancer clinics, vet cancer protocols for research projects, speak at conferences, and meet with colleagues to help them apply metabolic approaches with their patients.


Visit Dr Nasha Winters


The Oncio app is the first free app available to adults affected by cancer that empowers you to practically put integrative oncology tools and strategies into action. It is designed to be used by people at any point in their cancer care pathway – from diagnosis through active treatment and survivorship to living well with cancer – as well as their carers.

The app content and functionality has been and will continue to be co-developed with the community of people impacted by cancer through lived experience or a carer role. Our aim is to empower you with an evidence-informed toolkit that is practical and easy to use and cuts through the noise of conflicting information of variable quality and relevance to you.

The Oncio app has been created by the Oncio CIC, co-founded by Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel and Dr Penny Kechagioglou.


Visit Oncio

Quantum Clinic

Quantum Clinic is a progressive medical clinic offering Functional Medicine and Integrative Medicine support to adults with cancer.

Our approach is comprehensive and multi-faceted, addressing the problem at root level and working with you to optimise your body’s repair mechanisms.

Dr Tavakkoli’s aim is to enable her patients to achieve long term wellness and a better quality of life than would be achieved by using an allopathic medical approach alone.


Visit Quantum Clinic

NHS Cancer Resources

The link below will take you to the main NHS page for cancer – with links to specific areas and information on the different types and cancer and treatment options.


Visit NHS Cancer website

The Penny Brohn Centre, Bristol

Groundbreaking cancer centre supporting men and women affected by cancer at any stage of their illness, as well as their families and supporters. It runs highly recommended residential courses.


Visit Penny Brohn

REACH Drug and Alcohol Service

Advice, information and support for anyone concerned about their own drug and/or alcohol use, or that of a friend, family member or colleague. Partner agency EDAS provides the service for young people.


Visit Reach


A support group for young people who have a parent with cancer.



Rising Voices

Rising Voices is a community singing group for people living with and beyond cancer in Dorset, Hants and Wiltshire. In addition to the main choir based in Poole, there is a small singing group in Bridport connected to The Living Tree in Bridport.



RNIB Talking Books

Talking Books has been one of our most loved services for more than eight decades, and we now offer more formats and titles than ever before.


Visit RNIB Talking Books

Shine Cancer Support

Shine is working to create a community of young adults with cancer.  All of their work is designed to bring people closer together and ensure that they get the support they need.

– For newly diagnosed young adults with cancer HERE

– For Plus Ones HERE

– For young adults with an incurable/advanced diagnosis HERE

Visit Shine Cancer Support

Stage 4 Deserves More

Supporting People living with secondary breast Cancer

Supplying FREE support packs for women and men in the UK living with secondary breast cancer.

Visit Stage 4 Deserves More

Something to look forward to

A charity website for people with cancer, and their families, to access a variety of gifts and experiences that are generously donated by companies and individuals.

Find anything from restaurant meals, hotel stays, beauty treatments, tickets for events and attractions…

Visit Somethingtolookforwardto

START – Support, Transition and Recovery Team

Part of Dorset HealthCare, working alongside the Community Mental Health Teams in Bridport and Dorchester. It runs a range of mental health groups open to everyone.


Safeena – Muslim Cancer Support

Cancer Support for Muslims because not everyone is in the same boat.


Visit Safeena

Synthesis Clinic

We are an expert, highly qualified team of healthcare professionals who specialise in women’s health and hormones, gut health and mental health.

At Synthesis Clinic, we assess you as the whole person, not just your IBS or your menopausal symptoms. We work to tackle the root causes of symptoms, instead of ‘a pill for each ill’ model, and we use an expert team that truly works together to help you transform your health and wellbeing.


Visit Synthesis Clinic

St Margaret’s Hospice Care, Somerset

St. Margaret’s Hospice has been at the heart of Somerset’s community for over 37 years, delivering high quality, responsive and compassionate care to patients and their families facing a life-limiting illness.

Visit St Margaret’s Hospice Care

Soul Midwife – Beth Webb

Beth Webb is a soul midwife based in the Axminster area offering comfort, support and reassurance to help a dying person experience the death he or she wants as well as support for the family.

Soul Midwives are non-medical, holistic companions who guide and support the dying in order to facilitate a gentle and tranquil death.

Soul Midwives

  • listen, provide gentle therapeutic techniques and ensure compassionate care at all times
  • work holistically with both the spirit and the soul of the dying person
  • keep a loving vigil
  • create and hold a sacred and healing space for the dying person
  • recognise and support the individual needs of the departing soul to enable a tranquil death
  • use sound, touch, colour and smell and other gentle techniques to help alleviate pain and anxiety
  • support families and loved ones


07920 100575

Tackle Prostate Cancer

Tackle Prostate Cancer (The National Federation of Prostate Cancer Support Group) became a charity in 2008, however the history of our federation started with our pioneering support groups in the mid-1990s.


Visit Tackle Prostate

Talkworks – Mental Health Support for Devon.

TALKWORKS is a NHS depression and anxiety service for people over 18. We offer free confidential support to help improve your mental & physical wellbeing.


Visit Talkworks

Tax Help for Older People

Tax Help for Older People is a charity service providing free, independent and expert help and advice for older people on lower incomes who cannot afford to pay for professional tax advice. With over 420 volunteers and a national call centre, we can help you, wherever you are in the UK.

Simply call the Tax Help number 01308 488066, or contact us by post or email via the website enquiry form. We will help to resolve your tax problem.


Visit Tax for Older People

Ticking off Breast Cancer

Ticking Off Breast Cancer was founded in 2017 by Sara as she came to the end of her treatment for primary breast cancer. We’re now a team of three as Sara was joined in 2021 by Harriet and Emma. Together the three of us use our personal experiences to provide support to others going through breast cancer.

Visit Ticking off Breast Cancer

Tripudio Movement Systems

Tripudio is movement with a focus on the fluid systems of the body, including the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system. Principles from manual lymphatic drainage massage are combined with fascia (connective tissue) release techniques and translated into movements.

Tripudio stretches focus on releasing tension, fascia and scar tissue, all of which are thought to inhibit lymphatic health. Tripudio is therefore aimed at post-surgical rehabilitation, such as after breast cancer or prostate cancer.

Visit Tripudio Movement Systems

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation

We are a credible source for triple negative breast cancer information, a catalyst for science and patient advocacy and a caring community with meaningful services for patients and their families.


Visit TNBC Foundation

Weldmar Hospicecare Trust

Provides specialist palliative care in north, south and west Dorset, including holistic therapies.


Wessex Cancer Trust

The Trust provides one-off grants for extra expenses to cancer patients within the Wessex region and have two holiday caravans available in New Milton and Weymouth.


Wigs for Heroes

We are a grass roots charity located in the heart of Tottenham, North London. Our aim is to support people undergoing cancer treatment in the local communities in the UK. This could be in the form of a wig grant*, pamper bags, cancer support workshops, events/meet ups, online support groups, coffee club socials or simply via the provision of helpful online resources and video tutorials


Visit Wigs for Heroes

World Cancer Research Fund International

In 2014 the World Cancer Research Fund International published this report on Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Survivors. It examines the influence of certain dietary and life style aspects on the survival rate of people with breast cancer.


Download the report

WHY – We Hear You Cancer Counselling

We Hear You works across Bath and North East Somerset, Somerset and Wiltshire providing emotional support to patients, families, friends and carers who have been touched by cancer or any other life threatening condition.

At We Hear You they understand that cancer and life threatening conditions can be overwhelming. People who use their service often report feeling numb, isolated and terrified and struggling to cope. WHY provides a safe space where people can say the unsayable and ask the unanswerable.

Visit We Hear You

Yes to Life

Yes to Life empowers people with cancer to make informed decisions about their care options. For well over a decade, we have provided evidence-based information to those in need.

Most importantly, we offer individual support through:

  • our helpline
  • our website
  • information via blogs and publications
  • our book, The Cancer Revolution
  • the Yes to Life Radio Show on UK Health Radio
  • workshops, talks and conferences
  • connecting people to a wide range of specialist therapies and practitioners


Visit Yes to Life

what’s your grief?

Specifically, our mission is to promote grief education, exploration, and expression in both practical and creative ways. We achieve this mission by providing:

  • Resources related to understanding and coping with grief and loss
  • Guidance on how to help a grieving friend or family member
  • Online courses about grief and supporting someone who’s grieving
  • Resources, education, and training for grief counselors, grief volunteers, and other professionals working in fields related to grief and loss.
  • A podcast about grief
  • A supportive community
Visit what’s your grief?
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