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Newsletter No.15 – November 2019


November has been a busy month as you will see from the news below. We are delighted that we have been approached by several different people and groups to raise money for ALCS. This is a huge endorsement from the community that we have so much support . I was also invited to join a group with Macmillan who were looking at ways to increase the emotional support to those affected by cancer. I went to Bristol for the day and it was inspiring and humbling to share and discuss now innovations .

Co-op Local Community Fund
Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support has been chosen to benefit from the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund.
The funding has started so please do register your loyalty card so 1p of each £1 is given to ALCS.

Not a member?  Join here.  No matter which Co-op you use, the funds will come to the charity.

Christmas Cards and Wreath Making!
We are delighted that this workshop has kindly been funded by Macmillan and so we have been able to increase the numbers to 20. It is going to be a lot of fun, with festive refreshments and no doubt a few Christmas Jumpers! We are full but if you would like to come along and haven’t secured your place do let us know as a place may become available.
Monday 9th December 2-4pm Lyme Regis Football Club.
To book a place either see our facebook page or contact
New Therapist!
Welcome to Katherine Bolton from Pebble Moon, Seaton.Katherine was recommended to us by one of our ladies who is currently going through treatment for cancer and we are delighted to be able to have her on the team.We continue to be able to fund up to 6 treatments/therapies to anyone affected by any cancer so if you know of anyone who may benefit please do contact us. Further details available on our website.
Our Quiz Night!
Over 40 people came along and supported our 2nd Quiz Night. Thank-you to our quiz master Bruce.  Lots of fun was had, with friendly heckling laughter…some of the questions about the local area and many comments that people went away having learnt something! We raised over £350, from a donation bar, cheese boards, raffle and entry cost. Thank-you to everyone involved.
ZUMBATHON comes to Axminster!
The FIT EWE CREW led by Katie Thomson ran a tropical themed Zumbathon event and coffee morning which raised money for both ALCS and FORCE. The event was on Saturday 9th November at Axminster Guildhall where over 35 women came together, dressed in tropical Caribbean attire and ‘Zumba’ed’ the morning away…to all types of music, lots of smiles and

laughter followed by an amazing cake selection and huge raffle with prizes generously donated from local businesses. Money is still coming in but is over £1000.
Thank-you to Katie Thomson and the FIT EWE crew.

Fermented Food Workshop
We held our second fermentation workshop this month and learnt from Tiffany all about sauerkraut…the making of which was a much fun as eating it!
4 workshops planned for next year so watch this space for details.
Christmas Shopping, coffee & cake
We were delighted that Wendy Lowis Bates offered to host a Christmas Coffee morning with a select few local boutique shopping opportunities. An incredible raffle and some scrumptious cakes made a wonderful morning. Thank-you!

More fundraising events
We are extremely grateful for all donations following the Bollywood Evening by Mina Fountain and the Soup & Pud event by Jill Fisher.

Recommended Reading

This month’s recommended reading is in the form of a website or app for phones.  This website, and free app provides a host of wonderful meditations and written prose.

As we lead into a busy time of year, taking a few minutes each day to sit and read or spend a few minutes in meditation can really help. Just 5 minutes a day can make a real difference. We will be doing some meditation/mindfulness workshops next year so maybe Plum Village will whet your appetite to come and learn more.

Would you like to volunteer with us? This month we welcomed two new volunteers Tiffany and Lynne, we look forward to working with them in the coming months. We were joined by a representative from Macmillan at our training session, it was great to have Sam’s input and support.  If you would like to join us, or know anyone who could help us with administration, hosting our drop-in sessions, fundraising etc, please get in touch. We are holding our next volunteer training session on December 4th.
Please email for more information on the roles available and an application form.
Dates for your diary

Guided meditation
With Wendy Lowis Bates. Thursdays 11 – 12.30 in Charmouth.
£5.00 per session with fresh mint tea.

Weekly drop-in sessions
Our weekly drop-in sessions will continue – do please pop along for a cuppa and a chat. Sessions are held at the Scott Rowe room, Axminster Hospital and the Football Club, Lyme Regis. The next few sessions are:
Monday 16th December – Axminster, 2-4pm
Monday 6th January – Lyme Regis, 2-4pm
Monday 13th January – Axminster, 2-4pm
Monday 20th January – Lyme Regis, 2-4pm
Monday 27th January – Axminster, 2-4pm
Monday 3rd February – Lyme Regis, 2-4pm

Nordic Walking
We are delighted to have arranged with Gillian Butcher from Lyme Bay Nordic Walking to provide fortnightly Nordic Walks in the areas.

To be eligible to join this walk, please register with the charity by contacting Mary  or Mobile 07512279663. Once registered you can book your place on walks on a week to week basis with Gillian  and information about the walks will come out via weekly emails.

There is no charge for this walk but a suggested donation of £2 would be appreciated and each walker will need to pay the £1 pole hire unless they have their own.  We have had offers of help with transport so please advise if you would like a lift and your address/pick up point.

There are funds available to help with the initial lessons if you are new to Nordic Walking.
11 December

Dates for 2020 will be available soon including a free taster session.

More dates for your diaries:
Blokes Brunch 8 February 2020 at the River Cottage Kitchen and Deli 9.30am-11am.

More details to come.
This event will be open to all men and will include a free brunch.
The Pilot Boat Quiz Night, Lyme Regis.  8pm-10pm

We are delighted to share that the Pilot Boat is hosting a quiz night to raise money for Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
All welcome, £2 per head.
More details

If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please ask them to sign up via here or email and we will add them to our mailing list. We are happy to send newsletters by post, if needed.  Past editions can be found on our website

We look forward to seeing you at one of our future events or drop-in sessions. Thank you again for your continued support.  Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and may 2020 be a good one for you

Kind Regards

Mary Kahn

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