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Newsletter No.16 – December 2019


Happy New Year to you all. After the Christmas and New year celebrations we are busy planning a wonderful year of support.
There are many new workshops as well as some repeats from those you liked last year. We will also be asking for some feedback at our drop in’s as we would really value what you all think about what we offer.
One of the most exciting thing to happen in December was the announcement that we were successful in our bid for funding from the Ammonite Fund. This fund is being donated to Lyme Regis Town Council from Fossil Films to provide a lasting legacy in memory of Mary Anning and to celebrate the film Ammonite which comes out shortly.

The idea came from a local family who come to our drop in and we are very excited to get going and make this happen. The beach hut will be able to be used by anyone affected by any cancer and you will be able to book it out for the day. More details to follow.

Co-op Local Community Fund
Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support has been chosen to benefit from the next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund.
The funding has started so please do register your loyalty card so 1p of each £1 is given to ALCS.

Not a member?  Join here.  No matter which Co-op you use, the funds will come to the charity.

Christmas Cards and Wreath Making!
Thank-you to Ali from Busy Bee Florist for making the Christmas Wreath making workshop ‘such fun’! Over 25 wreaths were made, lots of laughter and chats. Some wonderful Christmas mulled drinks and nibbles, all in all an afternoon of festive fun.  
New Therapist!

Welcome to Kelly Wood …. Kelly Wood – Beauty Therapy

Kelly is a highly trained and experienced beauty therapist who has been working in the profession for over 15 years.  With experience of both working in local beauty salons and being a mobile therapist Kelly is able to bring a holistic approach to her treatments.

Kelly trained in Exeter and recently passed with distinction her level 3 NVQ in Spa and Beauty.

Kelly is able to offer manicure, pedicure (gel polish available), facials, massage (including Thai Foot Massage) and Indian head massage. Kelly uses Tropic organic products which offer a range full of essential oils and amazing fragrances.

Kelly is a mobile therapist so able to visit you in your own home by arrangement or we can arrange a room at the drop in for a treatment.

To arrange an appointment with Kelly please call her mobile on:
07944 241081

Fermented Food Workshops
Dates for 2020 will be out soon. If you are interested in good gut bacteria pop along to one of our 4 workshops this year!
Recommended Reading/Listening
This month we would like to suggest using our audio skills! Podcasts are a great way to learn new things, do research and relax. Whether in a car or just taking a moment with a cup of tea. Liz Earle covers many topics relevant to living well and is passionate about bringing up to date information to her podcasts with relevant international speakers.
Would you like to volunteer with us? Last month we welcomed two new volunteers Tiffany and Lynne, we look forward to working with them in the coming months. We were joined by a representative from Macmillan at our training session, it was great to have Sam’s input and support.  If you would like to join us, or know anyone who could help us with administration, hosting our drop-in sessions, fundraising etc, please get in touch. We are holding our next volunteer training session on 11th February.
Please email for more information on the roles available and an application form.
Dates for your diary

Guided meditation
With Wendy Lowis Bates. Thursdays 11 – 12.30 in Charmouth.
£5.00 per session with fresh mint tea.

Weekly drop-in sessions
Our weekly drop-in sessions will continue – do please pop along for a cuppa and a chat. Sessions are held at the Scott Rowe room, Axminster Hospital and the Football Club, Lyme Regis. The next few sessions are:
Monday 6th January – Lyme Regis, 2-4pm
Monday 13th January – Axminster, 2-4pm
Monday 20th January – Lyme Regis, 2-4pm
Monday 27th January – Axminster, 2-4pm
Monday 3rd February – Lyme Regis, 2-4pm

Mini Workshops
We are delighted to be able to welcome Ellie Sturrock back to do some mini workshops:

Sleep Workshop
Monday 3rd February & Monday 18th May
3-4pm Lyme Regis Football Club

Monday 2nd March & Monday 22nd June
3-4pm Lyme Regis Football Club

Nordic Walking
We are delighted to have arranged with Gillian Butcher from Lyme Bay Nordic Walking to provide fortnightly Nordic Walks in the area.

FREE TASTER SESSION TO TRY NORDIC WALKING …also can be used as a refresher. Monday 3rd February 12-1pm at Lyme Regis Football Club. Soup and bread lunch afterwards.

Nordic Walking dates for 2020:
8th January

22nd January
5th February
19th February
4th March
18th March
1st April

More dates for your diaries:
Blokes Brunch 8 February 2020 at the River Cottage Kitchen and Deli 9.30am-11am.

More details to come.
This event will be open to all men and will include a free brunch.
The Pilot Boat Quiz Night, Lyme Regis.  6 February, 8pm-10pm

We are delighted to share that the Pilot Boat is hosting a quiz night to raise money for Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
All welcome, £2 per head.
More details

If you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter, please ask them to sign up via here or email and we will add them to our mailing list. We are happy to send newsletters by post, if needed.  Past editions can be found on our website

We look forward to seeing you at one of our future events or drop-in sessions. Thank you again for your continued support.  Wishing you all a very Happy New Year – may 2020 be a good one for you.

Kind Regards

Mary Kahn

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