Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support March 2025 The joys of seeing the first daffodils along side…

Newsletter No.54 – February 2023
We, as a team are sorry this month to be saying goodbye to Mina. Mina joined the charity in the autumn of 2018, at the beginning as a volunteer and as a trustee and has worked at drop in’s as well as behind the scenes. Mina’s commitments have changed and there is a need for her to free up more time. We will of course be doing our own goodbye but wanted to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to Mina for all she has done and I am sure you will join me to wish her well.
A month of changes for us, as we welcome Ady onto the team working behind the scenes. Many of you will know Ady from drop in’s, events and workshops. Ady trained and qualified as a State Registered nurse in the early 80’s, working for both NHS and BUPA. She was diagnosed and successfully treated for breast cancer in 2022 and received support from ALCS. Ady will be working with me to support all our clients (we have over 250 actively receiving support today), this will make a huge difference to my week as well!
So our team is growing, the demand is growing and we are adjusting to the changes and challenges. Please know we are here to support anyone affected by any cancer and and we are making plans to ensure the support continues and grows as we do.
In this edition
- Thank you
- Let’s Talk About Cancer
- Bobsleigh Team
- Creative Hub
- March Events
- Acupuncture Clinic
- Active Treatment Drop-in
- Drop in Sessions
- April Events
- Mobile Phones Request
- Poem
- Online Shop
- Ways to support and connect with ALCS
- Beach Hut
- 2023 Events March – June
Thank you – Lyme Regis Golf Club
We were delighted to be invited to the AGM at Lyme Regis Golf Club and have the opportunity to give an update about the support ALCS is providing in the local area.
Kelsey Lawrence (fundraising volunteer) is seen here with Steve Hames Lyme Regis Club Captain, Mary Minter Lyme Regis Ladies Captain receiving a very generous cheque for £3000 . The money was raised by club members and will go directly to support local people affected by cancer. Having the support from LRGC has made such a difference this year and we would like to extend a huge thank you to all those involved.
Kelsey said “the support from the Lyme Regis Golf Club this year has been incredibly generous and for that all at ALCS are very grateful. It was great to be able to attend the Ladies AGM to be able to thank them in person and give an update on our work this year”.
ALCS Let’s talk about cancer… Saturday 4th March 9.30am – 12.00pm – OPEN TO ALL
We’re bringing together a panel of professionals to talk about cancer in our community. This event is open to clients, volunteers, medical professionals and the general public.
Refreshments will be provided.
To register your interest please click here.
ALCS Bobsleigh Team
Cool Runnings – it’s all downhill from here!
You may have seen the origins of the Jamaican Bobsleigh team in the classic film staring the late, great John Candy, Cool Runnings.
On 4/3/23, a crack team of athletes from Devon, Dorset, and Somerset, will be testing their metal at the home of UK bobsleigh, in an attempt to write their own story.
Raising funds for Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support, the team of 12 hope to support the work of the charity which provides invaluable support for those affected by cancer.
Give us a push in the right direction by adding funds to our pages.
Click here to donate Dan Watts
Click here to donate Maisie Watts
Click here to donate Bruce Kahn
Click here to donate Kelsey Lawrence
Click here to donate Andrew Easton
Click here to donate Emma Franklin and Matt Palfrey
Click here to donate Duncan Hughes
Metal Embossing with Elsa Grigg
Metal embossing is created using simple hand tools as if they were a pencil, pressing a design into a thin sheet of metal which can range from pewter and brass to copper and aluminium.
Different surface treatments can add to the depth, texture and or colour of the design.
Once the metal is embossed you can frame your work of art or apply it to a wide variety of surfaces.
It’s an incredibly relaxing craft that doesn’t take up too much space so you can easily continue it at home!
To register your interest please click here
Acrylic Art Workshops – With Trudi Ochiltree
Learn how to paint in acrylics and be inspired by a variety of subjects and techniques. Acrylics are a popular medium as they are versatile and forgiving. In each workshop we will paint a particular subject, working from a choice of images. Your tutor Trudi will offer demonstrations and help along the way. There are 6 workshops on offer you can sign up to one or all six.
Week 1 – Snowscapes: Working with a limited palette: 2nd March 2023 10-12noon
Week 2 – The Dorset landscape: Exploring shades of green: 9th March 10-12noon
Week 3 – Acrylic patterns and abstraction, creating a series of mini paintings: 16th March 10-12noon
Week 4 – Seascapes: Creating texture and the colour of the sea: 23rd March 10-12noon
Week 5 – Palette knife painting: A freeing way of painting without a paint brush: 30th March 10-12noon
Week 6 – Animals: Create a painting of an endangered species or your favourite animal. Bring your own image to work from if you prefer: 20th April 10-12noon.
To register your interest please click here
Making A Mark 6 week course with Christine Allison
A six week course for clients, Making A Mark with Christine Allison
The course will run on the following dates – Wednesday 10.00-12.00
Wednesday 19th & 26th April
Wednesday 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th May
To register your interest please click here
Creative Hub at the Stanley Studio – Making A Mark Special with Christine Allison.
For all those who have participated in the Making A Mark course with Christine.
The special workshop will take place on Wednesday 28th June 10.00-12.00
Places are limited – to register your interest please click here
Creative Writing – One off workshops
Each will run via zoom for about 2 hours, no experience necessary. Information will be sent out prior to the workshop.
8th March Easter/Spring Workshop 11 am
3rd May Early Summer Workshop 11 am
5th July Mid Summer Workshop. 11am
These are with Ninette Hartley
To register your interest please click here
Spring Flower Workshop – Monday 27th March 11.30 – 1.30pm – Open To Book for all registered clients.
Ali from Busy Bee alongside a couple of our volunteers, will be running our Spring Flower Workshop on Monday 27th March at Lyme Regis Football Club 11.30am start. Please bring your own secateurs and any greenery/flowers you may wish to add to your creations. Numbers are limited and Volunteer spaces have been allocated. Please note the change of time to outside the drop-in which will run afterwards at 2-4pm. You are welcome to bring your own lunch for between sessions if you wish to attend both.
To register your interest please click here
(other food and drink available)
An opportunity to talk to other men affected by cancer and to ask any questions about the support we offer.
Tuesday 7th March
Location: The Pilot Boat – Lyme Regis
Click here to register your interest
Blokes Brunch
Our next Blokes Brunch is at The George Hotel Axminster with Guest Speaker – Dr Nick Hodges. This is open to all Men to attend
Please do let us know any dietary requirements.
Click here to register your interest
Weekly acupuncture clinic on Mondays 4.00 – 5.30pm at Scott Rowe Room within Axminster Hospital.. This will be a group session and involve auricular acupuncture (around the outer ear). Hilary Sharp will be providing the acupuncture.
Particular benefits include helping to alleviate hot flushes, anxiety, dry mouth, and fatigue. Further information can be obtained from Hilary.
This support will be offered free of charge to registered clients. We do have have a max of 15 at each session which must be booked in advance. Please bring your own water. (Drinks will not be able to be supplied) Do contact us to be added to a waiting list should the online booking system show full.
6th March
13th March
20th March
27th March
Please click here to book
ALCS Support Group for those going through treatment.
We hold monthly support group sessions for those about to start treatment, going through treatment or finished within the last 6 months. These will be run by Mary and Ady to help support those going through cancer and make connections. Each month we plan to have a different theme or speaker and if you have any suggestions please let us know.
Monday 20th March – Axminster Hospital Scott Rowe 12.30-1.30pm
Professional Partner Sue Urquhart talking Scar Tissue. Click here for more information on Sue and the services she offers.
If you would like to join us for a cuppa and a chat do please drop by.
Drop-in sessions for MARCH
Monday 6th March – Axminster Hospital Scott Rowe 2-4pm
Monday 13th March – Lyme Regis Football Club 2-4pm
Monday 20th March – Axminster Hospital Scott Rowe 2-4pm
Monday 27th March – Lyme Regis Football Club 2-4pm
Diary Kefir Fermented Food Workshop – Monday 17th April 12.30-2.30pm (please note the time change for this event)
The benefits are well reported across the medical press now although this style of food has been used in many of cultures for 1000’s of years.
Numbers are limited so please register if you would like to attend
There is no cost to this event, as it is funded by the charity but donations are always appreciated.
Please bring an apron to wear – This will be held at the Lyme Regis Football Club.
Click here to register your interest
Do you have an old mobile phone?
To keep us connected to those affected by cancer we need more mobile phones for our volunteers … do you have a mobile phone (iPhone 6 or later) you would be willing to donate?
Please contact us at
Poem – Unknown
They say that when you’re broken
This is how the light gets in
But what if all the cracks
Are letting out the light within?
They say it makes you stronger
But at first it makes you weak
The way you face the mountain base
Before you reach the peak
They say to break is brave
And yet your mind is full of dread
You’re not overwhelmed by courage
But by helplessness instead
But admitting you are breaking
Is far braver than you know
And remember, from the bottom
There is just one way to go
See, I think they mean it isn’t just
That breaking makes you strong
But the way you use the embers
Of your will to carry on
It’s triumph over trauma
And it’s healing after hurt
It’s rising from the ashes
With a new-found sense of worth
So find yourself a candle
And allow its tiny spark
To ignite you back to life
And put the fire back in your heart
And grant yourself compassion
For the times that you feel weak
Just rest until you’re strong enough
To get back on your feet
See, I know that when you’re broken
You have only threads of hope
But tie them to the mountain
Like your personal safety rope
Then gather at the bottom
With the summit high above
Then take a breath and take a step
The only way is up
Our Online Shop & Event Bookings
If you are looking for individual cards, or a bespoke gift locally made please do consider our online shop.
Hopefully we have made it easier for you to purchase beautifully illustrated blank cards, recipe books, key rings and CDs – all the money raised goes directly to help our clients.
Just add your items to the basket and go to the checkout which is now using Stripe payments but Paypal is still an option. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Cards can be purchased at drop-in and local events or collection arranged.
Ways to support or connect with Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support
If you wish to donate online you can via a one off payment or a monthly donation. Just click the link below and follow the instructions or scan the QR code.
How to get involved with fundraising via Easyfundraising, Amazon Smile etc
Beach Hut – Last Minute Dates
Do look out for beach hut last minute dates on Facebook and the ALCS WhatsApp group going forward. Please send a text or WhatsApp to 07512 279663 to be added if you are an existing client.
The new booking system has been designed to give priority to those going through treatment or recently finished. The aim is also to try and relieve some of the admin work that goes into managing the hut and the confirmation and information is sent within the Eventbrite ticket.
You can also manage your booking by cancelling any dates you are no longer able to use.