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Newsletter No.33 – May 2021

May and the rules are changing again and we can now see our friends and family more. We are all slowly starting to venture out. For some of us this is a welcome relief and some normality and for others…

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Newsletter No.32 – April 2021

April has been filled with glorious sunny days, a cold wind and nature showing us there is joy to be had in the simple pleasures of seeing the blossom bursting in the hedgerow and the birds celebrating each morning. Dawn…

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Newsletter No.31 – March 2021

March feels like its gone much faster with the end of home schooling, the spring weather, lambs appearing in the fields and restrictions eased very slightly. I think we all in hope for the end of March restrictions update happening but also have a bit…

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Newsletter No.30 – February 2021

February has felt like a very long, very wet month! I really don’t think I have ever seen so much rain or been more delighted to welcome the snowdrops and daffodils! Thank-you to Christine for this photograph. Some highlights have…

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Newsletter No.29 – January 2021

  Happy New Lockdown - Christmas plans changing at last minute and all the resulting rearranging were a bit stressful, but I hope you all managed to make the most of what you could over the festive period. It was…

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Newsletter No.28 – December 2020

As we move towards the end of 2020 and I think it can be safely said that this year has been like no other. We have become ‘experts’ in public health, pandemics and online meetings. How many times have we…

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Newsletter No.27 – November 2020

Mary has let me loose on this edition of the Newsletter. We are nearing December and what feels like a long month with the additional lockdown restrictions currently in place. We are hopeful that doing this will mean we can…

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Newsletter No.26 – October 2020

The clocks have turned and we await the arrival of winter, seeing the leaves changing into glorious colours is always a delight. November is a month to remember and reflect. You will see some reference to remembering in our recommended…

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Newsletter No.25 – September 2020

And so we now welcome autumn, a time to be grateful for whatever crops we are able to yield and to explore the delights of finding new apple recipes! This photo is sunrise on 22nd September, post swim, my own way…

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Newsletter No.24 – August 2020

What a month! I am writing this sitting at my kitchen table listening to torrential rain, thunder and lightning, I can hardly see the garden for the rain! I hope the local holiday makers who are in tents didn’t have…

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